We believe every child has a bright future. It takes just the right atmosphere to direct and condition the child for it. This we humbly endeavour to provide to lay a solid foundation – physically, socially and intellectually. We inspire children to be all that their dreams are.
At our preschool, we give caring directions and instructions required for every child’s innate capabilities, skills and talents to come to the fore.
- Preschool 1 – 18months to 2years
- Preschool 2 – 2years to 3 years
- Nursery 1 – 3yers to 4years
- Nursery 2 – 4years to 5years
Our preschool is a main part of the larger school where activities go on in groups. For example: Excursions, fairs and working together are activities to help the children in developing social skills. We are focused on developing the child at every stage of their early years, and encourage the development of their inherent gifts by providing the children with:
- Stimulating activities for play & learning
- Caring enironmet in which the child may experience love
- A safe palce to share, sing, play and have fun. (Child Protection Policy in place)
Here are some of the activities we emphasize so that each child may develop interest in them:
- Swimming
- Music ( Instruments – Keyboard & Recorder – Other instruments to be added soon)
- Dance – Ballet, Choreography
- Phonics & Dictions
- Social skills